Monday, February 9, 2009

Will Socialism Save Capitalism?

"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work." -- Henry Morgenthau Jr, May 9, 1939, appearing before powerful Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee.

Hello World,

See my new video in the sidebar where I discuss the transfer of power from the conservatives to the liberals, and what history tells us.

Send this message on to friends, family and co-workers.

-- H. L. Quist

1 comment:

sstiii said...

OK Buster... the history lessons are great but I appreciate you most when you are more specfic ;)

Where's the boom you predicted?

How do I recover my loses, prevent a few future loses and maybe have something before I get too old to work?

I just took a job out of state and homestead exemption of
FL means that if I rent my house waiting for the recovery I get to almost double my property tax.

Should I sell my house at a loss or wait for the next round of inflation?

If I build a new house in my new state of AL will it go up in value or down?

