Monday, November 17, 2008

The Aftermath of Greed ... and Elections

A special presentation by H. L. Quist.

Mark your Calendar – RSVP Today

Thursday, December 11, 2008
10:00 – Noon
Southwest Valley location TBD
Tentatively: The Paseo Apartments Clubhouse

H. L. Quist
Author of "The Aftermath of GREED: Get Ready for the Coming Inflationary BOOM"
Host of "The Myth Buster Show" on KFNN radio

He correctly forecasted the last 5 Boom and Bust cycles since 1993, including the recent real estate boom and the ensuing bust.

H.L. "Buster" Quist will now share his economic forecasts for the aftermath of the Mother of All Bailouts, about how inflation will impact your future, help you understand what a "Crack-Up Boom" is, and what could be the greatest opportunity of a lifetime to build or protect your nest egg!

Fee: Free early registration by November 30, 2008; $10 afterwards


RSVP: 623.249.4792 OR

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